We value your establishment and/or project, to provide you with the best regulatory, technical and legal strategy to achieve your objectives.
We are experts in Health Regulation
About us
We are a young company formed by professionals with more than 16 years of experience in the health sciences industry, as well as its establishments.
Our multidisciplinary and specialized team is continuously updated on the requirements of COFEPRIS, SENASICA and the General Health Council to ensure the regulatory compliance of our clients.
We are experts in sanitary regulation and its application, so we offer services tailored to the needs and objectives of our clients.
Our purpose
It is to share and contribute with our knowledge and expertise, with our clients, so that there are supplies for health with Quality, Safety and Efficacy, as well as the various products for human use and health services; which help to maintain Public Health, recognizing the synergy between regulation and the technical part.
Contribute so that companies to have sufficient tools for decision making, with a multidisciplinary perspective; in order to have health supplies, products and health services that are affordable for the population.
To be a national and international reference consultancy that allows through our expertise and technical-regulatory advice to guarantee access to health supplies and products in compliance with Quality, Safety and Efficacy, during the life cycle of health supplies and products.
Lastest news
SynergyTJ te invita a "Plática sobre el Cáncer de Mama"
Porque Octubre es el mes de la sensibilización sobre el cáncer de mama, nos sumamos para contribuir a aumentar la conciencia, fomentar la detección temprana y los cuidados paliativos. Es por ello que te esperamos en la siguiente plática el 19 de Octubre a las 19:00 hrs que será transmitida por Zoom y Facebook.
Cofepris da a conocer 83 clínicas y consultorios clausurados por irregularidades sanitarias graves.
La lista incluye 83 establecimientos que realizan actividades comerciales, de servicios e industriales, entre ellos: bancos de sangre, clínicas, consultorios, estudios de tatuajes, centros de hemodiálisis, fabricantes de productos químicos y suplementos alimenticios.
Cofepris emite alerta sobre falsificación de cuatro medicamentos
La Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Cofepris) informa que detectó la falsificación de cuatro medicamentos, a través de la constante vigilancia a productos y servicios que pudieran representar un riesgo a la salud de quienes los consuman.
Son Pentrexyl, Broncho-Vaxom, Alka Seltzer y Sedalmerck.